Now known as Captain Scarlet Minor, the young boy who has narrowly escaped him home at The Nook, and had an adventurous life continues his journey into the world of seafaring. The story of Scarlets adventures get exciting as he locks eyes with his nemesis, an evil incarnation of himself. He saw fury barn in the deep golden irises of the creature and immediately realized that his own destruction was the creature’s goal.
In the next instant numerous images flashed through Scarlet’s mind. Could this mirror image of himself be a demon sent by Ambioca? It had been a long time since Scarlet had been confronted by supernatural threats conjured by the cursed Captain Ambioca in his quest to destroy Scarlet before the youth could escape the Curse of Bodiaka. Now that Scarlet had broken the bondage of the Curse, had Ambioca somehow learned of it and given up pursuit? Or was the demon standing before him one last attempt to prevent Scarlet from escaping the Curse of Bodiaka and being doomed to exist as one of the Living Undead forever? Staring into the creature’s eyes, Scarlet saw it had no soul. There was only a void in the depths of its being that was fueled by an undying ember of destructive hate. Whatever the creature’s origins, it was not human.
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