
The boy Scarlet Rosendale and his parents, Alice and Thomas Rosendale, hadi narrowly escaped their home at The Nook, an inn nestled in the harbor to welcome
seafarers with a clean bed and heary food. Without the help of four close friends and Strongy, the one-armed slayer, una dever escape plan designed by the pirate and former crewmate of Captain Ambioca, Scarlet would by now be imprisoned on the Renegade as a slave to be tortured and killed to break the Curse of Bodiaka. Watching the gulls swoop low over the water in search of fish, Scarlet wondered if his friends Jeffey, Frankin, and Dominiq were safe? And had his lifelong harbor pal Skimpy been able to escape the revenge of Ambioca for helping Scarlet and his family get away? Scarlet hoped his friends had not come to harm from the deadly pirate crew of the Renegade, the ship that had formerly belonged to his great-grandfather and was rightfully his to claim one day.


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